What is Essex Opportunities?


Essex Opportunities is the one-stop shop for talent.


Created by Essex County Council, students, employers, residents wishing to upskill, are now able to find all the resources they need to make informed career decisions and build a future talent pipeline.

Essex Opportunities is the premier gateway in Essex to find out about:

  • career path options
  • apprenticeships and work experience
  • skills development and professional qualification programmes.


Our Vision


For Essex Opportunities to become the go-to portal for skills training and apprenticeships information and for it to become a beacon of excellence across the country.

Essex Opportunities will enable:

  • Residents to access the information they need to make informed fdecisions on career path options including Further Education, Higher Education, professional qualifications, work experience and job opportunities
  • Employers to reach and recruit their future talent and upskill and provide progression opportunities for existing staff
  • Training providers to tailor the local offer in order to meet current and future business needs


A Celebration of Talent


As well as being a vital talent resource for our county, Essex Opportunities is a celebration of Essex's achievements in skills, careers and apprenticeship initiatives. Essex Opportunities will be celebrating:

  • Our ambitious employers who are driving growth through offering high quality skills and work experience opportunities,
  • Our young apprenticeship ambassadors and their achievements on completion of their qualifications
  • Our training providers who deliver high quality learning programmes impacting both business and individual
  • Our schools and careers advisers, who do remarkable work ensuring their students can make an informed decision on their post 16 and post 18 career pathways and
  • Our ambassadors and stakeholders in skills who tirelessly promote the benefits of lifelong learning. 

Have a skills story to celebrate - get in touch and we will shout about it for you.


Our Vision for the Future


  • Essex Opportunities is on the smart phone of every Essex resident aged 14-24 (and their parent/carer) to enable them to make an informed decision on their future career path options
  • The Essex Opportunities website is used by all Essex employers as the go-to service to enable them to reach and recruit their future talent and post all their work experience, apprenticeship and graduate job vacancies.
  • Essex Opportunities is the go to portal for our residents looking to gain employment, retrain or return to work.
  • Essex Opportunities is accessed by all Essex employers and their employees who are looking to further develop their professional qualifications and understand pathways and skills programme available.
  • Essex Opportunities is a beacon of excellence for all future skills and development programmes across the country, shining a light on Essex's achievements.